To improve learning environment in primary schools..
We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who we are to beguiled demoralized by the charms of pleasures that moment, so we blinded desires, that they indignations..
To raise awareness, understanding and knowledge on COVID-19, HIV/AID and other STD’s to the community people in general.
To provide a basic education, vocational education and trainings for the disadvantage adolescents (orphanages), underprivileged families,youth in order to make them literate and empowered and ex-prison inmate’s rehabilitationand empowerment.
To eliminate gender inequalities in primary and secondary education by achieving equality in education, with ensuring girl’s full and equal access to basic education of good quality.
To improve the environmental condition for city andrural people.
To make a campaigns of tree plantation and collection of plastics
Working with efficiency and long term sustainability
Valuing the principle of social justice, and empowerment of youth, women, and child and Ex-prison inmates
Solving youth conflicts and building peace and deeptrue-ship among youth.
Believe in the power of committed youth individualsand organization who want to contribute to a sustainable development.